Lyneham Primary School

Lyneham Primary School

Belong - Believe - Achieve

Reporting Absence

Please report all absences to the School Office on 01249 890 413 or by 9.30am


The law requires all parents to ensure their child’s regular attendance at school. If your child is absent (for example due to illness), please let the School Office know each morning they are off by calling 01249 890 413 and leaving a voicemail or by email to by 9.30am on that day. In cases where absences remain unexplained, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised and may be referred to the Attendance Service.

Medical and Dental appointments

Wherever possible please try to make appointments out of school hours. If your child needs to miss part of the day to attend an appointment, please email the School Office giving full details. Your child should be collected and returned to the main office reception unless arranged otherwise with a member of staff.


Children arriving late, after 9.00am, even if only by a few minutes, should report to the School Office where they will be signed in and escorted to their classroom.

Collection of children from school

If you usually collect your child from school but are unable to do so on a particular day please contact the School Office (before midday if possible) with the name of the person who will be collecting your child or alternatively let the the class teacher or teaching assistant know directly. Please also contact the School Office if you are going to be late to collect your child.

Leave of Absence

Absence in term time will not be authorised except in very exceptional circumstances. Permission must be obtained in writing from the Headteacher. Persistent unauthorised absence will be reported to the Educational Welfare Officer and a fine may be incurred. Absence results in missed work and disrupted teaching. If you need to request a planned absence for your child/children please complete this Leave of Absence Request Form and return to/email the School Office as soon as possible. If you need a paper copy please let the School Office know and they will be happy to send one home with your child.


If your child becomes unwell during the day or if we have any concerns about an injury we will contact a parent/carer. It is important to keep the School Office up to date with any changes in contact details.